About us



   Solo Way Recruitment Company started its development in 2011. A small team of motivated people was confidently clearing their path through the realities of the time to become a successful company with dedicated professionals and take a rightful place in the market!

   Today Solo Way has extensive international experience in recruitment. Continuous cooperation with specialists all over the world allows offering tailored solutions for any employer, regardless of their recruitment requirements. We combine our experience in international recruitment with our deep understanding of the European and world markets. And it should be noted that not only understanding of the business is important, but that we have learned how to use it effectively in order to develop customized solutions for each of our customers.

   Our long experience in international recruitment means that our candidates are not only highly qualified experts in their specific fields, but they also have a high level of fluency in English.




Our standard operating procedures:


Providing services of the highest quality level

  • We constantly strive for the improvement and development of our range of services in order to provide our customers with the best HR solutions.

Valuing the expectations of our candidates

  • We take into account the expectations of every candidate and his/her career path. We try to find job opportunities that match the candidate’s profile and provide him/her with interesting opportunities for career growth in terms of both location and potential progression.

Promoting international mobility development

  • Our headhunters have access to the database of multilingual candidates shared by all the countries where we operate. We believe that the international mobility can offer great career opportunities.



(UA) Рівень життя, робота, зарплати в Латвії

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(UA) ТОП-5 найкращих країн для еміграції українців: новий рейтинг в інфографіці

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(UA) Будівництво століття: в Швейцарії відкрили найдовший тунель у світі!

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